Love Is A Place.

What have I been up to? (:

Well, as you can see, I crashed at Jas's place on Wednesday cause I was going to sneak into KDU for Paramount Championship the next day. Webcammed with Akram & Ben, both of whom got chosen for NS. (gotta admit though, imagining them bald just makes me want to die laughing.)

I couldn't sleep the whole night, literally. Just lay in the dark doing no shit, with Jas happily dead next to me -__- But when I lack sleep, the next day... oh, I was definitely hyper alright. The performances were pretty good, except for a select few which was rather shit. The decorations were way tacky though. Then again, I wasn't surprised once I found out who designed them.

Today was mummy's birthday, and she insisted we go out for dinner. The boyfriend came along, and I'm preeeeettty sure my family like, adores him. I know my mom does and I definitely do. So it's all good :D

Going to be seeing him for the next 2 days too, but hey, cut me some slack okay. I'm leaving to UK on the 8th, for 10 days. Shops, here I come!


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