So... I was doing my weekly youtubing/ googling on New Moon, when I stumbled upon this set of pictures- as you can guess, it's Bella and Edward in Italy. Now, because I'm a nice (selfish) person, I am not going to post up the video where Rob is all broody and sexy with his seemingly new-found 6pecs. (I kid you not, I died too.) See, in Twilight, his body wasn't all that appealing. And then I found these pictures.
As a hormonal, 16 year old girl I would just like to say...
And I know I'm not the only one who finds this picture smolderingly sexy. I mean, their making out, with his shirt off, in friggin' ITALY. You must be MENTAL if you think it isn't hot. *dies* Of course, I still ship Jackson Rathbone. Fo' life, bitches.
2 kisses:
gasp! can't wait til november! wait till demie sees this hehe. love the layout. i know where its frm ;)
this photo is kind of hot. :P
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