1,2,3,4 tell me that you love me more.

Greetings from Bangkok!

My mom brought her Bangkok, and it's my 2nd night here. Been eating like shit, and the shopping is pretty good though nothing much has caught my eye. But the foood.... yum. Orgasmic, I tell you. I got 2 FREE pairs of Nike shoes because my dad's friend owns a Nike factory. I don't usually wear sport shoes out but these are pretty. One is shiny, and you know how much I like free things :)

K BYE. :)

It's 2.08 and there's this nagging feeling at the back of my head telling me that sleep is gonna be near impossible tonight. I'm at this point of life where everything is just... calm, and I just know that something's going to eventually go wrong somewhere. I feel like I haven't earned the right to be happy or something, which is plain ridiculous because (I don't think) I need to...


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