no matter where you go, i won't be very far (:

I'm exhausted. And I've just realized that exhausted is a word I've frequently been over-using for the past few weeks. Well, that's how I feel. The instant I wake up on Monday, that feeling sticks with me until Friday. Then, it's 2 days of ecstasy- and the cycle continues.

School this week has been pretty okay though. The lunchtimes have been... weird... because the guys have weird inside jokes that I don't understand but oh well. I hate Algebra though. Loathe it with my heart... probably because I'm shit at it. If the word Binomial is mentioned again to me once I'm working, I swear I will punch that person. UGH.

Final years are in two weeks, and I haven't started studying. And yes, I'm aware of the fact that I am pretty much screwed for 'em. So fail.

Gosh, I honestly cannot wait till summer!!

Yara's birthday was yesterday. Since most of the people who read my blog are from KDU (Hi, Cikgu Norul btw.), and therefore do not know who the hell I am talking about, Yara is also half Egyptian like me. But she's half Syrian, not Malay. Cool, eh? I found a partner. :)

Yeah, so, attended her gathering thing at Red Box, Curve. T'was fun, though it was a bit awkward because I'm not part of her ' circle ' or anything, not as awkward as I expected it to be though. To be honest I don't even know why I was invited, but I'm glad I was (: (: Drunk people are hilarious. 'Nuff said.

Today, I dragged my arse out of bed at 10 am (!). Off to Tropicana and we went swimming swimming & lunch. After this, it's three weeks without him. Stupid exams. Then, tuition at 4, it was the last day for my tuition teacher because he doesn't wanna teach me anymore. Since I always skip / come late for class. Sigh.

No clue what I'm going to be doing tomorrow. Probably staying at home with my sexy new Mac laptop. That's right, bitches. Be jealous. Although my internet connection is being a total slut, along with my Limewire... so that sucks too.

Am currently sipping on Green Tea + Lemon. Missy Higgins is good for the soul.


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