
Oh my gosh. I had a blast.
Went for Anugerah Industri Music 16 tonight. Most of you may not know what that is but I attend it every year because my father is kind of the organizer, plus he always presents an award. So, this year was indifferent. Initially I didn't want to but my mother made me go. (:
Anyway, I don't regret it. Texted that boy throughout half the show, and he decided to ' nap '. The event itself was pretty good. Even though it was in Malay and mine sucks. After that, we went for the after party. Loner-ed with my sister for awhile until my cousins came in. Then we decided that we wanted to dance, but there was nobody on the dancefloor yet.
I think we were like, the 2nd group of people who got on? Danced till like 2 in the morning. At one point there was even a conga linee. Funn. Plus, we danced with the lead singer from Hujan (who brings back painful memories of someone). He was funny ha. My cousin was like dirty dancing with him, plus a few other singer dudes. I kid you not. Dirty dancing -.- Tash, if your reading this, it's the one of our age :p
Then, ALIFF (TASH TASH TASH!!!) came on the dancefloor and we started dancing with him. Gosh I swear his so bloody cute. He asked for my name :D :D :D but my mom dragged me back-.- and started lecturing me not to give my number. Even though he didnt ask for it. I swear, parents are a pain. ARGH. his so cute i tell you..... TASH!!!!!!!! :(
Came back at 2 smth looking like a mess. Trust me the picture up there lies because I was under a bright light- I looked so much worse. But hell, it was so worth it.
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