specimen #1: History class.
Explains a lot of my worries, don't you think ? -__-
Explains a lot of my worries, don't you think ? -__-
12:12 am and I'm here, head clogged up with Science crap. I don't think I'm anywhere near done but I seriously cannot take it. I've been consuming so much food over the past few days, because hey, that's what I do when I'm stressed. Grocery shopping yesterday night led me to buying a whole load of junk food that will probably be finished in 2 days. Yes, I'm not very healthy. My eating habits have gone psycho, along with my brain -.-
Probably pulling a half-nighter tonight, till like 4 or 5 or something. But tomorrow? Tomorrow is definitely going to be hardcore because I have History on Friday. And I haven't started reading anything. 2 essays= DIE. And, Algebra! Ohmygosh, just murder me. That is going to be an EPIC FAIL. And I literally mean that. I'm not just saying it. Jas has seen my work -_- she knows what I'm talking about. Oh, and my Math tuition teacher quit on me because I skip/come late for too many classes. Story of my life, people quitting on me.
Cannot wait to go shopping with the girls on Friday. YES, I'm aware that I have exams on Monday but screw it. Not like I intend on studying on FRIDAY anyway. Plus, I need a release after the probably torturous history paper.
Oh yesh, I've been planning to get a piercing over summer. I'm gonna force myself not to chicken out. So, I'm currently stuck between...
Mommy already gave me the thumbs up to getting a piercing, as long as I don't let it get infected. So, suggestions? And please, think of what would look good on me. Not you -_-
Now, onto the topic of birthdays.
Someone's birthday is coming up real soon ;)
Hint: She's a loser who also happens to be one of my best-est friends. I'm sure you've figured it out by now.
Phoebe's birthday is also coming up soon. In fact, it's on the 4th, a day after exams. :O
Cannot wait for her bday bashhhhhhhh it's gonna be wicked. And Phoebe, if you're reading my blog. HI :) and you know why :) at least for me hahahahah.
And Jamie's birthday was yesterday. Wished you on FB, but Happy Birthday babe. Hope you had a great one. Miss you and your retarded-ness. :)
... Damn so many June babies.
The upside of all this examinations?
- 4 more school days and I get complete freedom for 2 months.
- 4 more school days and till I get to wrap my arms around you again.
- 4 more school days until I get to wake up WHENEVER THE HELL I WANT.
- 4 more school days till I can OD myself in the dramatized world of TV shows.
And, that is why, my life is better than yours.
(wow that's a super long update right there.)
1 kisses:
haha kay, I rarely read your blog.
but just thought I should check it out (more, like finding an excuse not to study).
and yessss I know why you can't wait for my party (:
Go Iman, go Iman. (:
I'll be like that annoying giggly cheerleader behind you or something.
But I'll be happy, hahahh.
1 more day of hell.
Well, 2 for you.
peace (:
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