daybreaks, bitter reverse, words so flawed.

I have got a Geometry test tomorrow, and an Algebra test on Friday. Which means that I've been doing Math the whole evening. Nonetheless, I still do not get it. Time to face the facts Iman, Math and I just do not click. 

My eyes are overly heavy, my body's sore from PE, and I have to face the fact that I'm completely drained. Sometimes it feels like I'm seeing the world through a dream or something. Hell, I was practically falling asleep in IT today. I contemplated on taking a nap this evening but all the yummy food just lured me and then I saw the laptop. I swear, I'm going to take one tomorrow or I'll probably just drop dead in History on Thursday. Gawd.

Yeah, so as you can see, this week is pretty much shite so far except for the fact that my English teacher did not come today so Phoebe & I watched OTH on her laptop this morning. PLUS, we didn't have to do the presentation, thank you God. Only thing I'm looking forward to is Friday night, and the weekends. Sleep, here I come yet again. (:

Bye loves.

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